07775 726 907
Next Meeting
Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are held on the third Wednesday in a month (except in August and December unless business requires) and take place at Morwenstow Community Centre, Shop.
Additional meetings for the purpose of considering Planning Applications are held on the first Wednesday in a month as required.
A calendar of meetings for 2024-25 can be viewed by clicking on this link.
Agendas and minutes for previous meetings can be found using the search filter below.
Year Month Meeting Type
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
A planning meeting will be held at 7:00pm on Wednesday 5th June to discuss 2 planning applications.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Annual Parish Open Meeting
Annual Meeting
Annual Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:00pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Annual & Monthly Parish Council Meeting
Annual and Monthly Meeting
Annual & Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Health & Wellbeing Project - Update Meeting
Special Parish Meeting
Please join us to discuss updated proposals for the Health & Wellbeing Project.
Monday 8th October at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
A planning meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 4th October 2023 in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Telephone: 07775 726 907
Email: clerk@morwenstowparishcouncil.co.uk
Website: www.morwenstowparishcouncil.co.uk
To all members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
are summoned to attend the Planning Meeting.
This will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 4th
October 2023 at the Community Centre, for the purpose of transacting the under
mentioned business.
The press and public are invited to attend.
Sheridon Rosser – Parish Clerk & RFO. Date
of issue – 28th September 2023
1. |
note attendance. |
2. |
receive apologies for absence. |
3. |
Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to
items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and
Standing Orders. |
4. |
To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the
agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
5. |
To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received
beforehand. |
6. |
Planning: Applications received for consultation by members to agree a
consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA23/05306
residential development for 4 new dwellings.
West of Woodridge Woolley Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PW.
P2 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council
prior to the meeting.
7. |
of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 18th October 2023.
The Local Government (Access
to Information) Act 1985 prohibits the consideration of any items which have
not appeared on the agenda for the meeting unless the Chairman is prepared to
certify that a proposed item is ‘urgent’. An urgent item dictates that a
decision must be made and, if this is the case, it must be as a result of a
formal written report. If urgent, the special circumstances which make it so
must be spelled out to the meeting.
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting
and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public.
Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to
ensure that members of the public are not filmed,
we cannot
guarantee this,
especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Parish Council meeting to take place at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Morwenstow Community Centre.
All are welcome.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Annual Parish Open Meeting
Annual Parish Meeting
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Annual & Monthly Parish Council Meeting
Annual and Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting to follow the Annual Meeting.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the
Monthly Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to
attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 19th
April 2023 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
Please see the documents tab for a pdf of the Agenda.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th March 2023.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th February 2023
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th January 2023
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
M.U.G.A. Meeting
Special Parish Meeting
MUGA meeting on Tuesday 10th January 2023.
Committee Room, Morwenstow Community Centre
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
Planning meeting to be held on Wednesday 7th December 2022 at 2:00pm - please note the early timing of this meeting. Thank you.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th November 2022.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
M.U.G.A (Multi-use games area) Meeting
Special Parish Meeting
Working party meeting prior to the monthly parish council meeting.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 19th October 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 19th October 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence: Cllr. K Boundy. |
3. |
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 28th September 2022. |
4. |
Matters arising from the minutes and updates: all addressed below – for information only. |
5. |
Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
6. |
Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand. |
7. |
Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. |
8. |
To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey. |
9. |
Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
10. |
Report of inaugural MUGA meeting: from the Chair. Forward thinking consideration: Electrical supply to potential MUGA,EV charging, tarmacing of carpark further. |
11. |
Discuss Auditor appointments for:
Training available to Councillors:
12. |
Funding requests:
13. |
* Landscape Character Assessment Invitation * NALC; Chief executive bulletin, star council awards * CALC; various * Top 15 buildings at risk * Oliver Jones – follow up from meeting actions * Citizens Advice Cornwall – Autumn Newsletter * Cornwall Council; change of meeting date for strategic planning, Bude Area Community Network Panel Agenda and previous meeting minutes, Town & Parish Council Bulletins x 2, casework system training session. * Rural Service Network & Rural Service Bulletins x 2 * Plantlife * Bude Hockey Club – re Muga * CIOS Good Growth response from Muga funding enquiry * Forest for Cornwall * Rachel Beadle – Shared prosperity fund * Senior Citizens Lunch funding request * Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter * Kilkhampton Parish Council – Duckpool toilets response * Ocean Housing Group Annual Review * Ground maintenance request * Bullguard (laptop security) has now become part of Norton Security * Kings Coronation date. |
14. |
Finances & Admin: a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. b) Laptop requirements: Quotes for new laptop. c) Office Computer – report from Cllr. Myers. |
15. |
Planning: Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA22/08145 | Works to trees subject to a TPO - T1, T3 and T2-T6 | Morwenstow Methodist Church Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL P2 PA22/08376 | Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include cut back beech tree | Gwel An Mor Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SJ P3 PA22/08773 | Garden office, situated within the grounds east of the site. | The Old Malt House Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SJ P4: PA22/08956 | Listed Building Consent for Garden Office situated within the grounds east of the site | The Old Malt House Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SJ P5 PA22/08914 | Reserved Matters application for a new dwelling (details following outline consent PA20/07104 (Appeal Ref APP/D0840/W/21/3273620) dated 07/09/2021 | Land West Of Shears Cottage Woodford Bude Cornwall EX23 9JD P6 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only: Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn: PA22/06609 Replacement dwelling of existing mobile home with variation of condition 2 of decision PA20/03176 dated 20.08.2020 . The Lodge Woodlands Manor Farm Coombe Valley Bude Cornwall EX23 9HT – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. |
16. |
Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 16th November 2022. |
------ Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to Morwenstow Parish Council
13th October 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Stakeholder Meeting for MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) prior to Working Party Formation
Special Parish Meeting
Brief meeting before the monthly parish council meeting.
This is to ascertain stakeholders for the MUGA proposal before forming a working party.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Extraordinary Monthly Meeting
Extraordinary Meeting
Due to the sad passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II - our usual scheduled monthly meeting could not take place.
This meeting replaces the meeting from 21st September that could not be held.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 28th September 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence. |
3. |
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 20th July 2022 and the Planning Meeting held on 5th August 2022. |
4. |
Queens Passing & Commemorative Events held in our Parish: |
5. |
Matters arising from the minutes and updates – meeting with Oliver Jones from Highways is covered below. – for information only. |
6. |
Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
7. |
Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand. |
8. |
Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. |
9. |
To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey. |
10. |
Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
11. |
Training available to Councillors:
12. |
Hamlets: Update on the uptake of the paper version in the noticeboards – Cllr. Boundy. |
13. |
To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Look at responses to online/paper survey. |
14. |
*Referendum on the Mayor For Cornwall request *Rural transport meeting in Holsworthy – Report from the meeting on Wed 27th July *Senior Citizens Meal Support request *Freeman of the Parish * Shared Prosperity Fund Opportunities * EV Charging opportunity *AED Training Sessions * Cornwall Fire Control * Rural Service Network & Rural Service Bulletins *CC - East Area Sub Committee/ Strategic Planning Committee/ Remittance for Precept/Ukrainian Sponsor Newsletter *CALC, NALC & NACO – Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II protocol & training opportunities *Sub-National rural mobility strategy *Parishioner email re: planning *Cornwall Zero – invitation to conference *Cornwall AONB Trust *South West Coast Path *Bude Area Community Network Panel – Sustainable Warmth information *Cornwall Rural Housing Association – Housing opportunity in Shop. |
15. |
Finances & Admin: 1. a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. b) To confirm the budget spreadsheet is on track. 2. Laptop requirements: a) Operating system upgrade requirements – support will end for current windows 8.1 in January 2023 b) Possible upgrade to Microsoft Office c) Printing of documents d) Office Computer e) Possible purchase of latest edition Arnold Baker Local Council Administration. Currently using 8th Edition now on 13th F) Option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements – Clerk recommendation to stay with current arrangement. |
16. |
Planning: Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA22/06609 Proposal: Replacement dwelling of existing mobile home with variation of condition 2 of decision PA20/03176 dated 20.08.2020 Location: The Lodge Woodlands Manor Farm Coombe Valley Bude Cornwall EX23 9HT P2 PA22/07131 Proposal: Replacement of existing lean-to side room (currently a playroom) with new improved room with mono pitched roof (to serve as bedroom). Internal alterations, some window changes and the addition of a terrace to the West elevation. Location: Sea View Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SU P3 PA22/06725 Proposal: Agricultural Field Access. Location: Greenacres Road From Jamess Cross To Junction North East Of Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SP P4: PA22/07130 Proposal: Proposed re-design of proposed dwelling (approved under PA16/07677) Location: Land NW Of Lower Woodford Woodford Bude Cornwall EX23 9JB P5 PA22/07189 Proposal: Proposed Re-Design of Proposed Dwelling (Approval Ref: PA16/07678) Location: Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Morwenstow Bude Cornwall P6 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only: Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn: PA22/07850 Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for new tracks - West Youlstone Road From Crimp To County Boundary Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PX - PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PA22/06717- Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA19/05328 and PA21/05495 dated 25/08/2021. - Westlands Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SG - APPROVED UNCONDITIONAL PA22/05634-Proposed dwelling without compliance with Condition no. 2 of Decision Notice no. PA16/07678 dated 28/10/2016.- Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Bude Cornwall – WITHDRAWN PA22/05630-'Proposed Dwelling' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA16/07677 dated 28/10/2016.- Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Morwenstow Bude – WITHDRAWN PA22/05313- Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include felling of various trees on the hedgerow next to the cemetery - Morwenstow Methodist Church Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL - REFUSAL – ONE REASON PA22/05285- Proposed slurry store Stursdon Farm Coombe Valley Bude Cornwall EX23 9HU - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PA22/04864-Demolition of existing agricultural barn and two residential conversions, and for the erection of a detached dwelling and attached double garage. -Land West Of Killarney Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. |
17. |
Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 19th October 2022. |
------ Jonathan Hobbs
Parish Council Chairman
22nd September 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Due to the sad death of our Queen - this meeting can no longer take place as scheduled due to protocol rules.
Updates will be added as we have them.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting to be held at 7.00pm (not 7:30pm) at the Committee room of the Community Centre.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Planning Meeting Agenda
You are invited to attend the planning meeting to be held on
Wednesday 3rd August 2022 at 7.00pm at the Community Centre.
1 To note attendance.
2 To receive apologies for absence.
3 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.
4 Dispensations: To consider requestions from Members for dispensation.
5 Applications made to Cornwall Council for statutory consultee discussion:
P1 PA22/06717
Proposal: Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA19/05328 and PA21/05495 dated 25/08/2021.
Location: Westlands Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SG.
P2 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 prohibits the consideration of any items which have not appeared on the agenda for the meeting unless the Chairman is prepared to certify that a proposed item is ‘urgent’. An urgent item dictates that a decision must be made and, if this is the case, it must be as a result of a formal written report. If urgent, the special circumstances which make it so must be spelled out to the meeting.
Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
28th July 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public.
Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure that members of the public are not filmed,
we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th July 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 20th July 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence. |
3. |
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 15th June 2022. |
4. |
Matters arising from the minutes and updates – fence repair has been carried out – for information only. |
5. |
Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
6. |
Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand. |
7. |
Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. |
8. |
To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey. |
9. |
Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
h) Footpaths – walking provision within Shop and Woodford. i) Feedback from the Meet the Leader session from Cllr. Steer. |
10. |
White Cross off shore wind farm consultations – dates passed but North Cornwall consultation is expected. |
11. |
Rural transport meeting in Holsworthy – Meeting on Wed 27th July at 7:45pm at Holsworthy Memorial Hall. |
12. |
Recruitment to the standards committee for Cornwall Council – closing date: Mon 15th August. |
13. |
Training available to Councillors – requests to be received and actioned. |
14. |
Hamlets: Update on the uptake of the paper version in the noticeboards. |
15. |
To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Agree proposed survey monkey questionnaire and ways to distribute it. |
16. |
Correspondence: 1. Parishioner Email - Hamlets inclusion request 2. Parishioner Email – Query re traffic monitor/speeding 3. CALC: Slides from event presentation; Cormac Engagement workshops; Levelling Up briefing note; news & job vacancies; civility & respect; 4. NALC: Dementia Survey; events notification & CEO Bulletin x 2 5. Cornwall Council: a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC b) Emergency road closure – date passed c) Town & Parish Council Update d) Oliver Jones – response to verge cutting query from June meeting. 6. Citizens Advice – Summer newsletter 7. Parishioner Email – planning query – signposted to Cornwall Council 8. Poundstock Parish Council – Children’s Food Poverty Update 9. Rowen MacKenzie – The National Trust – Duckpool toilets update 10. South West Coast Path – July on the Coast 11. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter - July 12. Zurich Insurance – Change to UK legal status in response to legalities with Brexit rules 13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 4 + July update 14. Keep Britain Tidy 15. Phoebe Lawlor – Cornish Studies – thank you response from submitted responses 16. Cornwall AONB – Job vacancies and Tehidy Day – date passed 17. Bude Social History Book Project. |
17. |
Finances: a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. b) To confirm the budget spreadsheet is on track. |
18. |
Planning: The Nook application – 5 day protocol received, officer recommendation of refusal – no further update as yet.
Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA22/05630 Proposal: Proposed Dwelling with variation of condition 2 of decision PA16/07677 dated 28/10/20216 Location: Land North West of Lower Woodford, Woodford, Morwenstow, Bude P2 PA22/05634 Proposal: Proposed dwelling without compliance with condition 2 of decision notice PA16/07678 dated 28/10/2016 Location: Land North West of Lower Woodford, Woodford, Morwenstow, Bude P3 PA22/04864 Proposal: Demolition of existing agricultural barn and two residential conversions, and for the erection of a detached dwelling and attached double garage. Location: Land West of Killarney Farm, Morwenstow, Bude, Cornwall P4: PA22/05066 Proposal: Listed Building Consent to erect small lean to conservatory at the side of the house to provide a dining area. Install en-suite facilities in third bedroom. Remedial works to render on outside of building. Location: Sunshine Alley, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude P5 PA22/05868 Proposal: Erection of conservatory against the south facing gable to extend the kitchen Location: Sunshine Alley, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude P6 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only: Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn: PA21/09031 | Continued use of temporary worker's dwelling | South Woolley Stables Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PP – APPROVED WITH CONDTIONS PA22/01294 | Retrospective consent for construction of a decked area to the south and west of the restaurant to permit diners to eat outdoors. Construction of an 'Arts Hut' sited to the south-east of the Inn. | Bush Inn Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SR - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PA22/02415 | Change of use of land and building from agriculture to agriculture, forestry and timber processing (including mobile sawmill) operation | High Meadows Gooseham Bude Cornwall EX23 9PH - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PA22/02570 | Proposed conversion and extension of barn to create a dwelling/holiday let | Barn At Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PA22/04254 | Construction of agricultural building on agricultural land | Land East Of High Park Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PX – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.
19. |
Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 21st September 2022. |
------ Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
14th July 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th June 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 15th June 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence. Apologies received from Cllrs. Jones & Myers. |
3. |
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Annual & Monthly Parish Council meetings held on 18th May 2022. |
4. |
Matters arising from the minutes and updates, all addressed in the items below. – for information only. |
5. |
Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
6. |
Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand. |
7. |
Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. |
8. |
To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey. |
9. |
Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
10. |
Jubilee Celebrations: Review of events. |
11. |
To receive a report on the Bude Area Community Network meeting held on 6th June 2022.
12. |
To discuss purchase of a replacement Union Flag and preservation of existing Union Flag. |
13. |
Hamlets: Costs and distribution. |
14. |
To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Information gathering: potential survey monkey options and working party. |
15. |
Correspondence: 1. Parishioner Email – re broken turbine/planning application 2. Lanteglos by Fowey Parish Council – joined forces request 3. Parishioner email – defibrillator requests x 4 4. CALC: Star Council Awards; Legal Update; Protect Duty Implications, Event Safety and Emergency Management - Thursday 23th June at 11.30am ONLINE;Levelling Up briefing meeting – Thursday 30th June 1-2pm ONLINE 5. NALC: Star council awards; events notification & CEO Bulletin x 2 6. Cornwall Council: a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC b) Bude Area Community Network Panel Chair nomination request/meeting agenda/previous meeting minutes c) Meet the Leader – 22nd June at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude d) E-bulk update (DBS) e) Buildings at Risk – Summer update f) Town and Parish Council Update 7. Grant application request from Morwenstow Church – to be considered in November. 8. Internal Auditor – audit report and forms 9. Cornwall Citizens Advice Bureau – Stats from Annual meeting 10. Julie Tucker – Hamlet re-quote 11. South West Coast Path – June on the Coast 12. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter 13. Cornwall AONB Management Plan 2022-2027 14. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 3 15. Age Concern Bude – Help request via Parish Publications. |
16. |
Finances: a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. b) Review of Internal Audit completed on 26th May 2022 c) Agree and sign AGAR statement. |
17. |
Planning: Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA22/04819 Proposal: Proposed new build residential unit on site of existing outbuilding Location: Chapel Barn Road From Rule Cross To Junction East Of Shop Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SQ P2 PA22/05313 Proposal: Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include felling of various trees on the hedgerow next to the cemetery Location: Morwenstow Methodist Church Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL P3 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only: Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn: PA21/09331 - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Outline application for re-development of stable block, sand surfaced area and other land, for up to five dwellings with all matters reserved except access. Land South Of Chapel Park Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SQ PA21/06671 – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Erection of annexe ancillary to 3 Jaques Cottages. Land North Of 3 Jacques Cottages Morwenna Road Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SW
18. |
Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 20th July 2022. |
------ Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
9th June 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Annual Parish Meeting
Annual Meeting
Annual Parish meeting to take place at 7:00pm on Wednesday 25th April 2022.
Draft minutes attached below.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Annual & Monthly Meeting
Annual and Monthly Meeting
Annual & Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th May 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Annual Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Wednesday 18th May 2022 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
This will be followed by the Monthly Parish Council Meeting.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence. |
3. |
Election of Officers:
4. |
of Council Representatives: To ELECT representatives to the
following |
5. |
of Officers: To ELECT Members to the following roles: |
Morwenstow Parish Council
Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting
You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on
Wednesday 18th May 2022 at the Community Centre, following the Annual Parish Council Meeting.
1. |
To note attendance. |
2. |
To receive apologies for absence. |
3. |
To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 20th April 2022. |
4. |
Matters arising from the minutes and updates, To note Morwenstow Football Clubs' successful grant award and to confirm that the solicitor is now moving on providing a lease. – for information only. |
5. |
Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. |
6. |
Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand. |
7. |
Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders. |
8. |
To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey. |
9. |
Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
10. |
To discuss Jubilee Celebrations: a) progress with plans, b) Beacon lighting arrangements, c) Union flag, d) location details for oak trees for records, e) discuss possible attendance at the Platinum Jubilee Parade in Truro. |
11. |
To receive a report on the Bude Community Network Highway Scheme meeting held on 25th April 2022. |
12. |
Review of policies: To formally adopt the latest model standing orders from NALC as amended. |
13. |
To review the Hamlets: Editorial role, costs and distribution. |
14. |
To discuss request from Poundstock Parish Council re Child Poverty. |
15. |
Correspondence: 1. Jubilee related sales literature from various businesses 2. RoSPA – Report for the playing field 3. Zurich insurance renewal 4. CALC: a) NALC – make a change; Star council awards; online events notification & CEO Bulletin x 3 b) CALC – Smaller councils – date passed; Finance meeting inc slides; training schedule availability; Homes for Cornwall 5. Cornwall Council: a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC b) Homes for Cornwall – meeting 16th May 2022 at 12:45 c) Positive Planning d) Forest for Cornwall e) Town & Parish Council Newsletter f) Climate emergency hearings - 21st June 2022 g) 2022 Grass Cutting & Verge Maintenance 6. Mark Owen – Tamara Project response 7. Rowen Mackenzie – The National Trust – Duckpool Toilets 8. Devon & Cornwall Police – Nick Jessop – Request to attend a meeting 9. Plantlife – No mow May 10. Defibrillator Training Session – Wednesday 25th May at Atlantic Horizons 11. South West Coast Path – May on the Coast 12. Jubilee Beacon Registration from Bruno Peek 13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 3 14. Sub-National Transport Bodies Conference – 26th May 2022 15. Poundstock Parish Council – Request to add Child Poverty to the agenda 16. Cubert Parish Council – Failures at Cornwall Council 17. Work Place Pension enrolment renewal 18. Parishioner email – re Councillor vacancy 19. Parishioner email – withdrawal of application for Councillor vacancy 20. Parishioner email – re minutes and follow up for C.Cllr. Tilbey 21. Parishioner email – damage reported to playing field areas and broken sign, AED query. |
16. |
Finances: a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. b) Agree and sign AGAR statement. c) Review of Internal Audit – if available at this time. |
17. |
Planning: Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council: P1 PA22/03314 Proposal: Full application for the construction of five detached dwellings Location: Land North Of The Nook Morwenna Road Shop Morwenstow Cornwall P2 PA22/01294 Proposal: Retrospective consent for construction of a decked area to the south and west of the restaurant to permit diners to eat outdoors. Construction of an 'Arts Hut' sited in the private garden to the south-east of the inn. Location: Bush Inn Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SR P3 PA22/04254 Proposal: Construction of agricultural building on agricultural land Location: Land East of High Park Morwenstow Bude Cornwall P4 PA22/02415 Proposal: Change of use of land and building from agriculture to agriculture, forestry and timber processing (including mobile sawmill) operation Location: High Meadows Gooseham Bude Cornwall P5 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only: Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn: PA21/12756 WITHDRAWN Garden office with overspill accommodation in close proximity to listed building. The Old Malt House Road From Morwenna Road To Woodville Road Shop Morwenstow EX23 9SJ . PA22/02569 APPROVED Proposed Kitchen and Dining room extension Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS.
18. |
Review arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th May 2022 & meeting dates for 2022/23. |
19. |
Co-option of new Councillor. 1 seat to be filled by co-option. Candidates are: Dr Susan Teare & Mrs Christine Myers. |
20. |
Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 15th June 2022. |
------ Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
12th May 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th March 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
You are invited to attend the monthly Parish Council Meeting to be held on
Wednesday 20th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.
2022/20/4.1 Attendance.
2022/20/4.2 To receive apologies for absence.
2022/20/4.3 To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 16th March 2022.
2022/20/4.4 Matters arising from the minutes and updates, the consultant for the Tamara Project will be meeting with Cllr. Boundy to further the consultation comments submitted by MPC – for information only.
2022/20/4.5 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.
2022/20/4.6 Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.
2022/20/4.7 Public Participation:
To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct
and Standing Orders.
2022/20/4.8 To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.
2022/20/4.9 Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
Parish hedges – owner maintenance
To note completed tree log
To note completed playpark log – DBS checks are progressing
To agree acceptance of LMP/SWCP quotations/risk assessments
To discuss toilets – (Duckpool)
State of roads – appropriate reporting procedures.
2022/20/4.10 To receive a report on the Bude Community Network Highway Scheme.
2022/20/4.11 To discuss Jubilee Celebrations – Number of commemorative mugs required update. Oak tree planting reports, wildflower seed sowing reports. Further arrangements for the celebrations. Discuss possible attendance at the Platinum Jubilee Parade.
2022/20/4.12 Review of policies: Standing Orders, consider possible adoption of of the latest model standing orders from NALC.
2022/20/4.13 Review of the Risk Register for the Internal Audit.
2022/20/4.14 Discuss the merits of submitting an expression of interest to the Community Infrastructure Levy. Funding available from £20,000 - £100,000 for infrastructure projects benefitting children and young people.
2022/20/4.15 Two Cross border consultations for consideration – 1) North Devon and Torridge draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and a joint Validation Checklist – Requirements for Planning Applications – closing date Friday 13th May 2022. 2) North Devon and Torridge Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment – Friday 29th April 2022.
2022/20/4.16 Western Power Fund - https://www.westernpower.co.uk/community-matters-fund this is a project responding to people suffering with their mental health due to loneliness and/or social isolation. Any suggestions to put forward – closing date 24th April 2022.
2022/20/4.17 Broadband update for Woodford.
2022/20.4.18 Funeral discussion group update – response from Bude Area Community Network Panel.
2022/20/4.19 Working party required to further playing field lease for Morwenstow AFC.
2022/20/4.20 Correspondence:
1. Morwenstow Methodist Church – thank you card for the donation
2. RoSPA – Confirmation of playpark inspection for April
3. Woodford Broadband – FTTP scheme via residents
4. CALC: a) Online NALC courses
b) Homes for Ukrainians
c) Yearly membership invoice
d) Cornwall Community Governance review – doesn't affect MPC
e) Clear days for Easter holidays when publishing the agenda
f) round up of various items
5. Cornwall Council:
a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC
b) Healthworks for Cornwall (Launceston)
c) Introduction from new Community Link Officer – Chris Sims & CIL funding opportunity
d) Planning System – down time, dates passed
e) Streetworks – Emergency road closure – Woolley to Gooseham, on website and Facebook page
f) Funeral provision discussion group response from Bude Area Community Network
g) Platinum Jubilee Parade invite (Truro) – open to all group representatives of the parish
h) Bude Area Community Network Highway scheme proposal and 2022/23 meeting dates
i) DBS checks scale of fees update
j) Closure of investigation – re Middlefields
k) Complex needs & collaboration workshops – date passed
l) Western Power Distribution Loneliness funding – closing date 24th April
m) Cornwall Youth Council Invite
n) Press release for youth funding opportunities
o) Street names & Jubilee proclamation in Cornish
p) remote access scams & trading standards scams
q) Ukraine update
r) Town & Parish Council News
6. Zurich – insurance for Jubilee events – being looked into by Cllr. Phipps & the Clerk
7. Website enquiry – offer of services for garden maintenance
8. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter & certificate of appreciation
9. Parishioner call – re planning permission – directed to Cornwall Council
10. PKF Littlejohns – External Audit Instructions
11. South West Coast Path – April on the Coast
12. Cornwall Hospice Care – donation request
13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 4
14. Citizens Advice – update on service users & spring newsletter
15. Cornwall Community Land Trust – Webinar invite on affordable housing – Weds 27th April
16. Cross Border – North Devon – Housing and economic land availability assessment
17. Parishioner email – existing planning permission enquiry – directed to Cornwall Council
18. Parishioner email – concerns regarding St. Marks Primary School.
2022/20/4.21 Finances: To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. Agree end of year budget spend in preparation for AGAR statements.
2022/20/4.22 Planning:
Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:
P1 PA22/02569
Proposal: Proposed Kitchen and Dining room extension
Location: Land East Of Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS
P2 PA22/02570
Proposal: Proposed conversion and extension of barn to create a dwelling/holiday let
Location: Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS
P3 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only:
Cornwall Council Decision Approved:
Applicant: Mr RB Savage
Location: Land East Of
Rectory Farm Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall
Proposed shepherds hut for holiday use
------ Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
10th April 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting will take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th March 2022.
2022/16/3.1 Attendance.
2022/16/3.2 To receive apologies for absence.
2022/16/3.3 To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 16th February 2022.
2022/16/3.4 Matters Arising from the Minutes and updates– for information only. Expression of Interest has been submitted – extra suggestion made. Bench has been ordered – proforma invoice in finance section. Trees have been ordered – invoice also in finances. Community Chest Grant of £300 received from County Cllr. Tilbey.
2022/16/3.5 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.
2022/16/3.6 Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations.
2022/16/3.7 Public Participation:
To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct
and Standing Orders.
2022/16/3.8 To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.
2022/16.3.9 To receive a report from the Bude Area Community Network Panel meeting.
2022/16/3.10 Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
Parish hedges & mud on roads/verge destruction
To note completed tree log
To note completed playpark log – DBS checks in progress
To agree acceptance of LMP/SWCP quotations and CC offer
To discuss toilets – (Duckpool & MCC) & Playing Field Maintenance
Repairs following Storm Eunice carried out to Woolley noticeboard
2022/16/3.11 To discuss Jubilee Celebrations and purchase of mugs for children along with grant funding opportunities. Working party already established. Funds received from C. Cllr Tilbey's Community Chest Fund for the cost of the oak trees and wildflower seeds. Update on tree cost/availability. Jubilee Story Trail correspondence.
2022/16/3.12 Review of policies: General Privacy Notice & Financial Regulations.
2022/16.3.13 Review of assets: for annual audit & insurance.
2022/16/3.14 Review of the effectiveness of internal controls:
2022/16/3.15 To consider grant requests: the cemetery maintenance grants for Morwenstow P C C.
2022/16/3.16 Broadband update for Woodford.
2022/16/3.17 Consultation on the Tamara Project -response required.
2022/16/3.18 Correspondence:
1. Cornwall Community Foundation – February update
2. Sub-national transport bodies conference
3. Utility Aid – Nalc
4. CALC: a) AGM Meeting details
b) Platinum Memorabilia briefing
c) Nalc legal update and CEO Bulletin
d) Nalc Star Awards
e) 2021/22 Pay agreement
f) Training bulletin
g) Ukraine Update
h) Pledge for nature briefing
I) Nalc Newsletter
5. Cornwall Council:
a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee
b) Pop up vaccination clinic in Bude – date passed
c) Storm Eunice/Franklin support updates
d) Confirmation of Community Chest Grant money
e) Pledge for Nature & Ecology Emergency Summit – Date passed
f) Positive Planning – course available on Thursday 22nd March
g) Cyber security alert
h) Bude Area Community Network agenda
6. Mevagissey Housing Manifesto
7. Natwest – confirmation of mandate changes
8. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter
9. The National Trust – email re opening of Duckpool toilets
10. High street safari, Jubilee Story Trail
11. South West Coast Path – March on the Coast
12. National Lottery – can not take grant forward
13. Rural Services Network Bulletin
14. Cornwall Air Ambulance – letter of thanks
2022/16/3.19 Finances: To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due.
2022/16/3.20 Planning:
Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:
P1 PA22/01371
Proposal: Construction of Shed
Location: Darwood Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL
P2 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only:
Cornwall Council Decision Approved:
PA21/12628 | Listed Building Consent for replacement windows. | The Old Malt House Road From Morwenna Road To Woodville Road Shop Morwenstow EX23 9SJ. Approved with conditions.
PA21/11444 | Proposed manager's dwelling associated with Atlantic Rest Natural Burial, construction of storage shed and provision of new vehicular/pedestrian access. | Land South West Of Valley View Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PW. Approved with conditions.
2022/16.3.21 Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution: That in accordance with section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the pubic, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted.
2022/16/3.22 Bude Area Community Network: To discuss request of information for the 'Funeral Provision Discussion Group'.
Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
10th March 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 16th February 2022.
2022/16/2.1 Attendance.
2022/16/2.2 To receive apologies for absence.
2022/16/2.3 To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 19th January 2022.
2022/16/2.4 Matters Arising from the Minutes and updates– for information only. Wailim Wong of the Cornwall Citizens Advice has agreed to attend our Annual Parish Meeting. The 20's Plenty campaign has been formally supported. RoSPA have been booked for the play park inspection. A letter of intention of lease renewal has been sent to the Football Club as requested. The process of carrying out DBS checks for three Councillors is in hand.
2022/16/2.5 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.
2022/16/2.6 Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations.
2022/16/2.7 Presentation by Bude Area Community Network Panel Members.
2022/16/2.8 Public Participation:
To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct
and Standing Orders.
2022/16/2.9 To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.
2022/16.2.10 Bude Community Network – report on outcome of the Funeral Provision Discussion Group from 09/02/2022.
2022/16/2.11 Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
To discuss purchase of the bench and erection of bus shelter at Crosstown
To note completed tree log
To note completed playpark log and discuss hedge trimming at playing field
To agree acceptance of LMP/SWCP offers
To discuss maintenance requirements for the parish.
2022/16/2.12 To discuss potential submissions for an 'Expression of Interest' application for Bude Area Community Network Highways Scheme.
2022/16/2.13 To discuss Jubilee Celebrations and possible purchase of mugs for children along with grant funding opportunities. Working party to be established. Application submitted already to C. Cllr Tilbey for the cost of the oak trees and wildflower seeds.
2022/16/2.14 Review of policies: Code of Conduct, Complaint Handling Policy , Data Protection Policy, Health & Safety Policy
Statement of Internal Control, Website Privacy & Terms Of Use Policy, Morwenstow Community Centre Wi-Fi.
2022/16/2.15 To consider grant requests: the cemetery maintenance grants for Morwenstow P C C, Morwenstow Methodist Church and Woodford Chapel.
2022/16/2.16 Good housekeeping: Communication channels - reporting of apologies and unavailability to carry out allocated roles.
2022/16/2.17 To note councillor vacancy for co-option – no expressions of interest as yet.
2022/16/2.18 Correspondence:
1. Dash UK – Platinum Jubilee Memorabilia
2. Road Closure intentions in Bude-Stratton: Stone Hill, Stamford Hill & Cot Hill
3. Minutes from East Area Sub-committee – nothing relating to Morwenstow
4. Walking in England – in Hamlets
5. Internal Auditor – re indemnity insurance
6. CC The Annual Conversation – Film and details
7. Bude Area CNP Highway Scheme – addressed above 2022/16/2.12
8. CALC AGM – 8th March
9. Covid Vaccination Clinic – 30th January – date passed
10. National Emergencies Trust – press release
11. Devon and Cornwall Police Budget Proposals
12. East Langford Solar Farm applications invitation
13. Fraud Safety Webinar – 16th Feb – date passed
14. CC Public Consultation on Community Governance Review – deferred proposals
15. CC Boundary reviews – as above – does not involve Morwenstow
16. Bude Area CNP Highway Scheme monthly update (current scheme) no updates for Morwenstow
17. CC Section 106 and CIL Quarterly reports – nothing relating to Morwenstow
18. Free Online Mental Health Training
19. Project Wingspan from D & C Police
20. LMP/SWCP Documentation – addressed above 2022/16/2.11.d
21. Free virtual taster flood warden training – 7th Feb – date passed
22. Active Cornwall Bulletin
23. Cubert Parish Council – Affordable Housing & Lack of enforcement
24. Lanteglos by Fowey Parish Council – Affordable Housing & Housing Policy
25. CALC – 'Levelling up' figure for 2022/23 is £8.82 per elector
26. Traffic Consultation - Bude, pedestrian and cycle network improvements.
2022/16/2.19 Finances: To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. Review expenditure against budget.
2022/16/2.20 Planning:
Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:
P1 PA22/00114
Proposal: To replace an existing dilapidated painted potting shed with a new natural wooden shed. To remove overgrown vegetable patch and construct a wooden garden building in its place using natural wood cladding.
Location: Quillers Wind Gooseham Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PF
P2 PA21/06671
Proposal: Erection of annexe ancillary to 3 Jaques Cottages.
Location: Land North Of 3 Jacques Cottages Morwenna Road Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SW
P3 PA21/09031
Proposal: Retention of temporary worker's dwelling
Location: South Woolley Stables Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PP
P4 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
For information only:
Cornwall Council Decision Approved:
PA21/10839 | Single storey extension to dwelling | Pinzle Cottage Gooseham Bude Cornwall EX23 9PL – Approved with conditions.
Sheridon Rosser
Clerk to the Parish Council
10th February 2022
This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by
broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure
that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.
Morwenstow Community Centre
Monthly Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 19th January 2022.
Morwenstow Community Centre
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
Planning meeting to take place at 7pm on Wednesday 5th January 2022.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Planning Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the planning meeting held on
Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 7.00pm at the Community Centre.
2022/05/01.1 Attendance: Cllrs: J Hobbs (Chair), J Phipps, K Boundy, G Worden, N Steer, J Payne, K Jones, R Savage and the clerk – S Rosser and three members of the public.
2022/05/01.2 Apologies received from: Cllr S Tilbey.
2022/05/01.3 Disclosures: All members of the council were aware that the first application PA21/11444 was made by the new clerk and that application PA21/11626 was made by a contractor of the council.
2022/05/01.4 Dispensations: None.
The clerk left the room for the discussion of application PA21/11444. The outgoing clerk Mrs Susan Joyner - kindly stepped in to clerk this part of the meeting.
2022/05/01.5 Public Participation:
Mr Tom Rosser spoke about application PA21/11444, outlining the need for the dwelling and associated shed space. Questions were asked by the council members.
2022/05/01.6 Applications made to Cornwall Council for statutory consultee discussion:
P1 PA21/11444
Proposal: Proposed manager's dwelling associated with Atlantic Rest Natural Burial, construction of storage shed and provision of new vehicular/pedestrian access.
Location: Land South West of Valley View (Woolley) Morwenstow, Bude, Cornwall
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Tom Rosser
The council resolved to submit the following comment to Cornwall Council:
The Parish Council would like to support this application. A need has been demonstrated; showing that the applicants require the property in this location, to be able to manage their natural burial ground business.
However, the Parish Council needs to be cautious and bear in mind that it is an application for a dwelling, that would be created in the open countryside. Although - the proposed dwelling would be well screened, and the finished roof level would not have a negative effect on the surrounding area.
The Parish Council would therefore ask that the decision is left to the planning officer.
The clerk returned to the room for the rest of the meeting. Mrs Joyner returned to her seat, as a member of the public.
P2 PA21/11626
Proposal: Installation of combined septic tank and drainage field to service two dwellings under construction under decisions PA16/07678 & PA16/07677
Location: Land at Lower Woodford, Woodford, Bude, Cornwall
Applicant: P, P & M Jenkin
The council resolved to submit the following comment to Cornwall Council:
The Parish Council see no reason to object.
P3 No other applications were discussed.
There being no further business - the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.23pm.
Planning Meeting
Planning Meeting
Planning meeting to take place at 7pm on Wednesday 1st December 2021.
Morwenstow Parish Council
Planning Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the planning meeting held on
Wednesday 1st December 2021 at 7.00pm at the Community Centre.
2021/01/12.1 Attendance – Cllrs: J Hobbs (Chair), J Phipps, K Boundy, G Worden, S Tilbey, N Steer, J Payne, K Jones, R Savage and the clerk – S Rosser.
2021/01/12.2 Apologies – none received.
2021/01/12.3 Dispensations/Disclosures -
PA21/10934 – Cllr J Phipps declared herself an employee of the applicant and took no part in any discussion.
PA21/10934 – Cllr R Savage left the room while discussion took place but had missed this part of the meeting to make a declaration.
2021/01/12.4 Applications made to Cornwall Council for statutory consultee discussion:
P1 PA21/05612
Proposal: Proposed dwelling (demolition of existing dwelling)
Location: Killarney Springs, Morwenstow, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 9PX
Applicant: Mr Will Urquhart
Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow
Parish Council discussed the application; and are still unable to
support it, in its present guise. The only difference that can be
seen - is a change in colour of render, from white to green. The
previous comments made by the council still stand - copied below.
''Morwenstow Parish Council applauds the applicant for
wanting to tidy up the site. However, the council feels that the
proposed dwelling would not sit comfortably within the landscape. The
site is in the highest part of the Parish and the dwelling would be
clearly visible from the A39. It would be out of keeping with the
applicants other buildings within the site as a whole, nearby
dwellings and the rural landscape.
The Parish Council supports,
in principle, a residential property being built on the site but does
not believe that the proposed dwelling would be appropriate and,
therefore, could not support this application.''
council also note that they have not seen a 'change of use'
application for the building marked 'existing commercial
units/storage' on drawing number 1031 20, which questions whether
business rates are being paid accordingly.
- Cllr K Boundy left the meeting at this point and did not return.
- Cllr J Phipps took no part in the following discussion or vote.
- Cllr R Savage entered the room, then left again - after being made aware that his application was currently being discussed.
P2 PA21/10934
Proposal: Proposed shepherds hut for holiday use
Location: Land East of Rectory Farm, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude
Applicant: Mr RB Savage
Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow
Parish Council would like to support the application and the need for
holiday accommodation; but find ourselves unable to do this with the
current format. It is felt to be too far from the core business. It
also lies within the AONB.
“The proposed shepherds hut,
by reason of its countryside location does not infill, round off or
use previously developed land adjoining the Crosstown settlement and
which is separated from nearby services, facilities and amenities
would represent unsustainable development for which no special
justification or overriding locational or business need has been
adequately demonstrated. The proposal therefore represents an
unsustainable, undesirable and sporadic form of development that
fails to maintain the character of the Area of Great Landscape Value.
The development is therefore contrary to Policies 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12 &
23 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Polices 2010 -2030, and
paragraphs 8, 79, 127, and 170 of the National Planning Policy
Framework 2019.”
- Cllr S Tilbey left and re-entered the room after having been asked to move his vehicle by another hall user.
- Cllr R Savage re-entered the room.
P3 PA21/10839
Proposal: Single storey extension to dwelling
Location: Pinzle Cottage, Gooseham (Eastcott really) Bude, Cornwall
Applicant: Mrs Heidi Theobald
Morwenstow Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow Parish Council support the application.
P4 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.
No other applications were discussed.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.35pm
Monthly meeting
Monthly Meeting
Morwenstow Parish Council
Minutes of the monthly Parish Council Meeting held on
Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre
2021/17/11.1 Attendance: Cllrs. J Hobbs (Chair), K Boundy, J Payne, J Phipps, R Savage, S Tilbey, N Steer, G Worden, K Jones, four members of the public and Mrs S Rosser (Clerk).
2021/17/11.2 To receive apologies for absence: Mrs E Cole.
2021/17/11.3 The previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 20th October 2021 were agreed and signed as an accurate record of the meeting.
2021/17/11.4 Matters Arising from the Minutes and updates– for information only. The previous complaint from a parishioner regarding possibly quarrying, has now been directed to Cornwall Council's planning enforcement team. This is also being followed up by our ward member C.Cllr. S Tilbey.
2021/17/11.5 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct. None received.
2021/17/11.6 Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations. None received.
2021/17/11.7 Public Participation:
To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct
and Standing Orders.
Mr M Whibley spoke in relation to the proposed speed limit changes addressed in item 7 of correspondence. A potential inaccuracy on a notice that has been posted, was highlighted. A petition had been started in relation to the lowering of speed limits; along with a survey, that has received 100 responses over three days so far. A speed limit reduction is welcomed. Member of public was thanked by the chair for his participation.
2021/17/11.8 To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: C. Cllr Shorne Tilbey:
Police & Crime Panel Meeting 12/11/2021 - attended the meeting in Plymouth. Meeting was attended by Police & Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez, who presented to the panel The Police Forces ‘ work programme ‘ for 2021- 2022, matters were raised by the panel and were adequately answered and noted by The Commissioner.
C Cllr Tilbey raised a question with The Commissioner regarding manpower for the Bude Area when officers take offenders into custody, having to travel to Bodmin or Okehampton Custody suites. This means if only 3 officers covering the Bude area, 2 will take the offender into custody and the 3rd officer is left without support so they are basically ineffectual as on
the ground officers. The Commissioner will take the point back to the management team and will look into and come back. -
Health & Adult Social Care – attended a meeting in Truro, there are no plans to close Stratton Minor Injuries Unit for the foreseeable Future. There can be staffing issues sometimes, these are often known in advance. The staff from Stratton can be relocated downwards on occasion to Launceston or Liskeard for example, if there is a black event at Treliske.
Community Chest Grants – the grants scheme is open. Applicants are asked to email Shorne directly and then he will forward on the application form.
St Marks closure – the primary school have experienced an oil leak. Mitchell & Webber are rectifying this. They have temporarily relocated to the community hall.
Overhanging trees – updates were asked for on highway matters, being followed up.
2021/17/11.9 Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:
To discuss quotes for 'no climbing on the fence' notices. Quote from Jag Signs received for a 30cm x 30cm sign in red with white lettering. Cost of £35 + VAT Resolved to purchase 1 sign.
To discuss quotes received for replacement bench and erection of bus shelter at Crosstown. Cllr. Hobbs explained the difficulty of obtaining quotes for items such as benches in this current climate. A 40 &1/2” bench would cost approximately £499 in teak and £409 in oak. A local carpenter has offered to make a bench at cost. Further investigation required. Arbour would cost in the region of £1000.
To discuss any repairs needed to parish noticeboards. All noticeboards have now been inspected. The immediate repair has been carried out on the Woolley noticeboard by installing a new back. A surplus back is now in stock for the future. The Woodford noticeboard requires the hydrangea to be pruned at a suitable time. All noticeboards are noted to be functional.
To note completed tree log. Tree inspections for the last month were completed by Cllr. Hobbs and log checked at the meeting. There were no issues. Sheet signed by Clerk.
To note completed playpark log. Playpark inspections for the last month were completed by Cllr. Savage and log checked at the meeting. There were no issues. Sheet signed by Clerk.
To agree amount for purchase of Christmas Tree – Resolved to purchase a tree in the price bracket of £80 - £100. Cllr. Savage will obtain the tree.
To review Hamlets. A 6 monthly review of the Hamlets in it's current format was due. Cllrs. reported that the printed format of the hamlets, are being asked for repeatedly - by parishioners. Various suggestions were put forward. There was a desire to continue with the online format now that the leap has been made; due to covid restrictions, and lack of volunteers to deliver the Hamlets. This also has environmental benefits. There was a stronger desire to resume printing the Hamlets again; albeit at a reduced level, to only account for those who are asking for them. Suggestions included Hamlets being distributed for collection in the various noticeboards – it was felt that they may get damp before collection. Alternatively to leave them at the shop for collection. Another suggestion was to go down the route that Kilkhampton do, with paid for adverts to subsidise the cost of the hamlets. However the fundamental difference between the parish publications is that Morwenstow Parish Council produce the Hamlets. Kilkhampton's magazine is produced by the PCC. The burden on the editor to collate and for adverts to be paid for would be too large. Also there could be further implications with advert sizes and so on. Resolved to obtain quotes to print 100 Hamlets. Cllrs. Phipps & Tilbey to obtain prices for further discussion at January meeting. Review in 6 months – May 2022.
To receive Cormac PROW report from Cllr Boundy. All work has been carried out and inspected by Cllr. Boundy. It has been well done as usual. Two places required a second cut and this work was carried out. A style has been replaced with a kissing gate at Sanctuary. A problem at Yeolmouth had been reported - there had been a barbed wire issue. This has now been temporarily rectified. A kissing gate is expected to be installed here, it is hoped before Christmas.
2021/17/11.10 To discuss precept to be set: The precept budget had been reviewed prior to the meeting, by the Clerk and Chair. This year sees some increases in one or two things such as training costs – 5 new councillors are new members. Clerk training will also be required. There has been an increase to the Clerk remuneration since the review earlier in the year, when the position was advertised. Budget figure for the year 2022/23 is £27,238.00. This leaves a precept request to Cornwall Council of £19,238.00. This equates to a 7.49% increase (£3.75) for a Band D property. The external audit requirements will be more detailed. The budget amount will take the council into the realms of medium sized councils. Resolved to apply for the suggested precept figure.
2021/17/11.11 To discuss process for renewing Football Club lease: Cllr. Tilbey has progressed with this, a meeting to be arranged between Cllrs. Hobbs & Tilbey, the Clerk and a representative of the football club. Resolved – Clerk to contact the football club secretary to arrange a meeting.
2021/17/11.12 To review Grants Policy: The auditor and accountant have been insistent that it is not correct procedure to allow exemption clauses from the grant policy. It was resolved that the following statement be removed from the bottom of the grant policy:
* The grants application process does not apply to the Cornwall Air Ambulance grant and the cemetery maintenance grants for Morwenstow P C C, Morwenstow Methodist Church and Woodford Chapel.
consider grant requests from: Cornwall Air Ambulance and the
maintenance grants for Morwenstow P C C, Morwenstow
Methodist Church and Woodford Chapel. Resolved
to defer this to January 2022, due to the changes that will be
adopted in January 2022.
2021/17/11.14 To note the resignation of Cllr Hodgson and vacancy. The notice of vacancy has been displayed in the Shop noticeboard. This has also been displayed on the parish website. Expiry date of notice is Friday 26th November 2021.
2021/17/11.15 To discuss roles to be filled by Councillors: Current roles were discussed. It was felt that all members should have a role. Re-organisation of roles is as follows:
a) Tree Warden – Councillor J Hobbs;
b) Public Ways Co-ordinator – Councillor K Boundy & Councillor N Steer;
c) Playpark Equipment Supervisor – Councillor R Savage;
d) Playpark Supervisor – Councillor J Payne;
e) Transport – Councillor G Worden;
f) Hamlets Editor – Councillor J Phipps;
g) Flag Master – Councillor K Jones;
h) Police Liaison Officer – Councillor S Tilbey & Councillor R Savage;
i) Building Regulation Advisor – Councillor S Tilbey.
2021/17/11.16 Correspondence
1. Resident - Concerns regarding erection of building
2. Resident – Query regarding planning permission requirements for erection of building – resident directed to Cornwall Council
3. Cornwall AONB Monumental Improvement – interpretation survey
4. Rural Community Energy Fund – Cllr Hobbs will investigate this further
5. Clean Cornwall – Let's talk rubbish survey
6. Cornwall Transport Plan – consultation – until 24th December
7. Bude Area Highway Scheme Update – including speed limit proposals – link here
8. Cornwall Council – Household Support Fund
9. Bude Needs Assessment – online survey
10. Cornwall Council Localism Support – change of Community Link Officer
11. Planning Training for Local Councils – 30th November 0930 – 1030 on Teams
12. CALC – Training session for Clerks – 30th November 1000 – 1100 on Teams
13. CALC – Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration Update
14. Cornwall Council – Standards Committee Update
15. Cornwall Council – Keep communities safe during winter – webinar – Thursday 25th November 1100 -1200.
All of the above were noted. Items 4 - 9 to go on the website. Item 7 to also go on Morwenstow facebook group page. Item 8 for the Hamlets.
2021/17/11.17 Finances: To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. Review expenditure against budget. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the statement of accounts as at 31st October 2021 and payments due, of £30 to Acquiss for the C C Broadband; £21 to Chadds for paper towels; £1,98.50 to P.S.J. Garden Services for footpath trimming & £1938 to P.S.J. Garden Services for grass cutting – playing field maintenance.
2021/17/11.18 Planning:
Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:
P1 PA21/10540
Proposal: Construction of two storey extension including associated alterations to form additional living accommodation
Location: Homelea Cottage Woodford Morwenstow EX23 9JD
Morwenstow Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow Parish Council would like to support this application based on need; but would like to see natural materials used, the proposed materials are not in keeping with the street scene or the host dwelling. We would also like to see a reduced ridge height for the proposed extension, with traditional dormer windows.
P2 PA21/09331
Proposal: Outline application for re-development of stable block, sand surfaced area and other land, for up to five dwellings with all matters reserved except access
Location: Land South Of Chapel Park Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SQ
Parish Council Comments:
Morwenstow Parish Council does not support this application on the
following grounds:
We do not believe that the application fits
either the rounding off or infill criteria, set out in planning
Due to the open countryside at the East of the
development, there is a sense of encroachment on the rural area and
as there is no physical barrier in the east, it could have a
detrimental effect to the hamlet of Shop and the open
pre-app advice for this states: ''However, the eastern aspect of the
site also appears much more open leading into open countryside and
the perception of the site from the road to the south appears much
more rural rather than urban; the
perception of entering the
village is more evident northwest of the site (around the corner) at
Chapel Rise. There is also some sense of encroachment of urban form
into the rural area around the settlement, particularly given the
limited physical barrier to
the east of the site and the
proposal does not neatly fit with the definition of rounding off in
this regard.''
is no provision of a safe pavement to the bus stop, playground or
school for children. A footpath in a sensible place is necessary. The
proposed area for a footpath is not considered fit for purpose,
because it would bring children out on to a busy service road to
There would be great detriment to the woodland area
to the North West of the site. Removal of established trees would be
necessary to accommodate the two extra dwellings added. The proposal
was for 3 dwellings at the pre-app stage.
Lastly - we
have not had any contact from the applicant as suggested would be
appropriate, by the officer in the pre-app response.
P3 Amended plans relating to PA21/05612 was received on the morning of the meeting. A planning meeting has been called on Wednesday 1st December to discuss this and any other applications that may be received.
Planning notifications received from Cornwall Council for information only:
Proposal: Replacement conservatory
Location: 2 Jacques Cottages Shop Morwenstow EX23 9SH
Proposal: Pre application advice for selfbuild, 1 bed, single storey residential property
Location: 1 Chapel Cottages Woodville Road Woodford Morwenstow EX23 9JB
2021/17/11.19 Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution: That in accordance with section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the pubic, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted.
2021/17/11.20 Bank details and Signatories: To resolve changes to the bank mandate following the appointment of a new Clerk. Separate confidential minutes.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9:24pm.
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