OgImage: Health & Wellbeing Project/Health & Wellbeing project.pdf

Mission: To improve general health and wellbeing within the Parish of Morwenstow by enhancing the outdoor facilities at Morwenstow Community Centre. This comprises of three elements – adult exercise facilities, children’s (and adults) skate/bike facilities and an all weather sporting facility to aid the existing successful football club, including use for all members of the community. This vision also incorporates the addition of a power supply to provide the facility of electric vehicle charging.

Please see the attached pdf of slides that were shown at the meeting on Tuesday 10th January.

Please also get in contact if you would like to be involved in the project in some way - everyone is very welcome.

Thank you.

February 2024 Update:

Update of progress on the Health & Well Being Project.

This has been a long journey already, starting in Autumn of 2022 and only now just obtaining planning permission.

It has been very unfortunate that we have received incorrect advice on this project on numerous occasions; however we have continued, and we are where we are with things.

The plans had to be changed from the first application because of Sport England and their objections. The AONB also objected to lighting (original application PA23/01922).

The noise report was commissioned on the basis of the first application. This was at a considerable cost to the Parish Council (£1,740.00 inc VAT).

Advice was sought from the outgoing planning officer as to whether the report would still cover the second planning application proposal - being that the scheme was greatly reduced in size and useability. It was agreed that the first report would be sufficient, to save further costs and time delays to the project.

The second planning application PA23/08585 took quite some time to be validated. The Planning Officer has been very helpful and has worked with the steering group to accommodate the plans as far as possible.

Following an objection, a further layer of scrutiny was placed on the noise report. An additional internal consultation was requested from the Cornwall Council Public Protection Noise and Odour Planning Consultations Team.

The steering group were left with a choice. To continue with the application as it was, which would receive a refusal, or to remove the skate park element (for now) and receive approval for the two elements in the bottom area - as were originally planned. We worked with the officer to change the pump track back to a tarmac surface from the stone surface. This has been secured by condition, of which we need to discharge. This is the only way that we can make the pump track suitable for all at this present time. The skate park can be revisited when the other projects are completed, if interest remains. It will require another planning application and another noise assessment. 

It is very disappointing to have had to go down this route, our hands were tied really. It was this option or nothing at this stage. Being very aware that funding still needs to be obtained to actually make this happen - we had to make the decision that we did. 

We have submitted our expression of interest to the Levelling Up fund; and are very hopeful to be invited to make a full application in the next few weeks. If we are successful in this application - we would hope to see construction take place in the Summer of this year.

Thank you.