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Health & Wellbeing Project - Update
Health & Wellbeing Project - Update
Morwenstow Playing Fields
U P D A T E:
I hope that many of you may have noticed the works going on at the Parish Playing Fields (if you didn't already know!); and that both children and adults, are excited about what is to come.
The project is well under way and the surfaced pump track is nearing completion. Weather permitting, this week - grass turfs will be laid. We do not yet know when it will be possible to open this great new community asset; whilst the other works are in progress. Some things are well beyond our control - such as the weather!
We ask that you please be patient; and respect that it will be open to all as soon as it is safe to do so. The multi-use games court area is also coming along nicely, with the fencing due to arrive before the end of this week.
If it is possible to open the track before the court - the Parish Council will endeavour to do this. Here are a couple of photos of what is to come...