July 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th July 2022.

Morwenstow Parish Council

Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting

You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on

Wednesday 20th July 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.


To note attendance.


To receive apologies for absence.


To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 15th June 2022.


Matters arising from the minutes and updates – fence repair has been carried out – for information only.


Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.


Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.


Public Participation:

To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.


Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:

  1. Parish hedges

  2. To note completed tree log

  3. To note completed playpark log

  4. To note completed overall grounds log

  5. To approve Union Flag purchase in line with Clerks recommendation

  6. To update on toilets – (Duckpool)

  7. To discuss ideas for waterproofing noticeboards, quotes obtained for boarding.

h) Footpaths – walking provision within Shop and Woodford.

i) Feedback from the Meet the Leader session from Cllr. Steer.


White Cross off shore wind farm consultations – dates passed but North Cornwall consultation is expected.


Rural transport meeting in Holsworthy – Meeting on Wed 27th July at 7:45pm at Holsworthy Memorial Hall.


Recruitment to the standards committee for Cornwall Council – closing date: Mon 15th August.


Training available to Councillors – requests to be received and actioned.


Hamlets: Update on the uptake of the paper version in the noticeboards.


To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Agree proposed survey monkey questionnaire and ways to distribute it.



1. Parishioner Email - Hamlets inclusion request

2. Parishioner Email – Query re traffic monitor/speeding

3. CALC: Slides from event presentation; Cormac Engagement workshops; Levelling Up briefing note; news & job vacancies; civility & respect;

4. NALC: Dementia Survey; events notification & CEO Bulletin x 2

5. Cornwall Council:

a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC

b) Emergency road closure – date passed

c) Town & Parish Council Update

d) Oliver Jones – response to verge cutting query from June meeting.

6. Citizens Advice – Summer newsletter

7. Parishioner Email – planning query – signposted to Cornwall Council

8. Poundstock Parish Council – Children’s Food Poverty Update

9. Rowen MacKenzie – The National Trust – Duckpool toilets update

10. South West Coast Path – July on the Coast

11. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter - July

12. Zurich Insurance – Change to UK legal status in response to legalities with Brexit rules

13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 4 + July update

14. Keep Britain Tidy

15. Phoebe Lawlor – Cornish Studies – thank you response from submitted responses

16. Cornwall AONB – Job vacancies and Tehidy Day – date passed

17. Bude Social History Book Project.



a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due.

b) To confirm the budget spreadsheet is on track.


Planning: The Nook application – 5 day protocol received, officer recommendation of refusal – no further update as yet.

Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:

P1 PA22/05630

Proposal: Proposed Dwelling with variation of condition 2 of decision PA16/07677 dated 28/10/20216

Location: Land North West of Lower Woodford, Woodford, Morwenstow, Bude

P2 PA22/05634

Proposal: Proposed dwelling without compliance with condition 2 of decision notice PA16/07678 dated 28/10/2016

Location: Land North West of Lower Woodford, Woodford, Morwenstow, Bude

P3 PA22/04864

Proposal: Demolition of existing agricultural barn and two residential conversions, and for the erection of a detached dwelling and attached double garage.

Location: Land West of Killarney Farm, Morwenstow, Bude, Cornwall

P4: PA22/05066

Proposal: Listed Building Consent to erect small lean to conservatory at the side of the house to provide a dining area. Install en-suite facilities in third bedroom. Remedial works to render on outside of building.

Location: Sunshine Alley, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude

P5 PA22/05868

Proposal: Erection of conservatory against the south facing gable to extend the kitchen

Location: Sunshine Alley, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude

P6 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

For information only:

Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn:

PA21/09031 | Continued use of temporary worker's dwelling | South Woolley Stables Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PP – APPROVED WITH CONDTIONS

PA22/01294 | Retrospective consent for construction of a decked area to the south and west of the restaurant to permit diners to eat outdoors. Construction of an 'Arts Hut' sited to the south-east of the Inn. | Bush Inn Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SR - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

PA22/02415 | Change of use of land and building from agriculture to agriculture, forestry and timber processing (including mobile sawmill) operation | High Meadows Gooseham Bude Cornwall EX23 9PH - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

PA22/02570 | Proposed conversion and extension of barn to create a dwelling/holiday let | Barn At Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

PA22/04254 | Construction of agricultural building on agricultural land | Land East Of High Park Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PX – APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.


Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 21st September 2022.

------ Sheridon Rosser

Clerk to the Parish Council

14th July 2022

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by

broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure

that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.



