December 2021
Wednesday, 19:00

Planning Meeting

Planning meeting to take place at 7pm on Wednesday 1st December 2021.

Morwenstow Parish Council

Planning Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the planning meeting held on

Wednesday 1st December 2021 at 7.00pm at the Community Centre.

2021/01/12.1 Attendance – Cllrs: J Hobbs (Chair), J Phipps, K Boundy, G Worden, S Tilbey, N Steer, J Payne, K Jones, R Savage and the clerk – S Rosser.

2021/01/12.2 Apologies – none received.

2021/01/12.3 Dispensations/Disclosures -

PA21/10934 – Cllr J Phipps declared herself an employee of the applicant and took no part in any discussion.

PA21/10934 – Cllr R Savage left the room while discussion took place but had missed this part of the meeting to make a declaration.

2021/01/12.4 Applications made to Cornwall Council for statutory consultee discussion:

P1 PA21/05612

Proposal: Proposed dwelling (demolition of existing dwelling)

Location: Killarney Springs, Morwenstow, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 9PX

Applicant: Mr Will Urquhart

Morwenstow Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow Parish Council discussed the application; and are still unable to support it, in its present guise. The only difference that can be seen - is a change in colour of render, from white to green. The previous comments made by the council still stand - copied below.

''Morwenstow Parish Council applauds the applicant for wanting to tidy up the site. However, the council feels that the proposed dwelling would not sit comfortably within the landscape. The site is in the highest part of the Parish and the dwelling would be clearly visible from the A39. It would be out of keeping with the applicants other buildings within the site as a whole, nearby dwellings and the rural landscape.
The Parish Council supports, in principle, a residential property being built on the site but does not believe that the proposed dwelling would be appropriate and, therefore, could not support this application.''

The council also note that they have not seen a 'change of use' application for the building marked 'existing commercial units/storage' on drawing number 1031 20, which questions whether business rates are being paid accordingly.

- Cllr K Boundy left the meeting at this point and did not return.

- Cllr J Phipps took no part in the following discussion or vote.

- Cllr R Savage entered the room, then left again - after being made aware that his application was currently being discussed.

P2 PA21/10934

Proposal: Proposed shepherds hut for holiday use

Location: Land East of Rectory Farm, Crosstown, Morwenstow, Bude

Applicant: Mr RB Savage

Morwenstow Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow Parish Council would like to support the application and the need for holiday accommodation; but find ourselves unable to do this with the current format. It is felt to be too far from the core business. It also lies within the AONB.

“The proposed shepherds hut, by reason of its countryside location does not infill, round off or use previously developed land adjoining the Crosstown settlement and which is separated from nearby services, facilities and amenities would represent unsustainable development for which no special justification or overriding locational or business need has been adequately demonstrated. The proposal therefore represents an unsustainable, undesirable and sporadic form of development that fails to maintain the character of the Area of Great Landscape Value. The development is therefore contrary to Policies 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12 & 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Polices 2010 -2030, and paragraphs 8, 79, 127, and 170 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019.”

- Cllr S Tilbey left and re-entered the room after having been asked to move his vehicle by another hall user.

- Cllr R Savage re-entered the room.

P3 PA21/10839

Proposal: Single storey extension to dwelling

Location: Pinzle Cottage, Gooseham (Eastcott really) Bude, Cornwall

Applicant: Mrs Heidi Theobald

Morwenstow Parish Council Comments: Morwenstow Parish Council support the application.

P4 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

No other applications were discussed.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.35pm



