April 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 20th March 2022.

Morwenstow Parish Council


You are invited to attend the monthly Parish Council Meeting to be held on

Wednesday 20th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

2022/20/4.1 Attendance.

2022/20/4.2 To receive apologies for absence.

2022/20/4.3 To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 16th March 2022.

2022/20/4.4 Matters arising from the minutes and updates, the consultant for the Tamara Project will be meeting with Cllr. Boundy to further the consultation comments submitted by MPC – for information only.

2022/20/4.5 Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.

2022/20/4.6 Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.

2022/20/4.7 Public Participation:

To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct

and Standing Orders.

2022/20/4.8 To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.

2022/20/4.9 Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:

  1. Parish hedges – owner maintenance

  2. To note completed tree log

  3. To note completed playpark log – DBS checks are progressing

  4. To agree acceptance of LMP/SWCP quotations/risk assessments

  5. To discuss toilets – (Duckpool)

  6. State of roads – appropriate reporting procedures.

2022/20/4.10 To receive a report on the Bude Community Network Highway Scheme.

2022/20/4.11 To discuss Jubilee Celebrations – Number of commemorative mugs required update. Oak tree planting reports, wildflower seed sowing reports. Further arrangements for the celebrations. Discuss possible attendance at the Platinum Jubilee Parade.

2022/20/4.12 Review of policies: Standing Orders, consider possible adoption of of the latest model standing orders from NALC.

2022/20/4.13 Review of the Risk Register for the Internal Audit.

2022/20/4.14 Discuss the merits of submitting an expression of interest to the Community Infrastructure Levy. Funding available from £20,000 - £100,000 for infrastructure projects benefitting children and young people.

2022/20/4.15 Two Cross border consultations for consideration – 1) North Devon and Torridge draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and a joint Validation Checklist – Requirements for Planning Applications – closing date Friday 13th May 2022. 2) North Devon and Torridge Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment – Friday 29th April 2022.

2022/20/4.16 Western Power Fund - https://www.westernpower.co.uk/community-matters-fund this is a project responding to people suffering with their mental health due to loneliness and/or social isolation. Any suggestions to put forward – closing date 24th April 2022.

2022/20/4.17 Broadband update for Woodford.

2022/20.4.18 Funeral discussion group update – response from Bude Area Community Network Panel.

2022/20/4.19 Working party required to further playing field lease for Morwenstow AFC.

2022/20/4.20 Correspondence:

1. Morwenstow Methodist Church – thank you card for the donation

2. RoSPA – Confirmation of playpark inspection for April

3. Woodford Broadband – FTTP scheme via residents

4. CALC: a) Online NALC courses

b) Homes for Ukrainians

c) Yearly membership invoice

d) Cornwall Community Governance review – doesn't affect MPC

e) Clear days for Easter holidays when publishing the agenda

f) round up of various items

5. Cornwall Council:

a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC

b) Healthworks for Cornwall (Launceston)

c) Introduction from new Community Link Officer – Chris Sims & CIL funding opportunity

d) Planning System – down time, dates passed

e) Streetworks – Emergency road closure – Woolley to Gooseham, on website and Facebook page

f) Funeral provision discussion group response from Bude Area Community Network

g) Platinum Jubilee Parade invite (Truro)open to all group representatives of the parish

h) Bude Area Community Network Highway scheme proposal and 2022/23 meeting dates

i) DBS checks scale of fees update

j) Closure of investigation – re Middlefields

k) Complex needs & collaboration workshops – date passed

l) Western Power Distribution Loneliness funding – closing date 24th April

m) Cornwall Youth Council Invite

n) Press release for youth funding opportunities

o) Street names & Jubilee proclamation in Cornish

p) remote access scams & trading standards scams

q) Ukraine update

r) Town & Parish Council News

6. Zurich – insurance for Jubilee events – being looked into by Cllr. Phipps & the Clerk

7. Website enquiry – offer of services for garden maintenance

8. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter & certificate of appreciation

9. Parishioner call – re planning permission – directed to Cornwall Council

10. PKF Littlejohns – External Audit Instructions

11. South West Coast Path – April on the Coast

12. Cornwall Hospice Care – donation request

13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 4

14. Citizens Advice – update on service users & spring newsletter

15. Cornwall Community Land Trust – Webinar invite on affordable housing – Weds 27th April

16. Cross Border – North Devon – Housing and economic land availability assessment

17. Parishioner email – existing planning permission enquiry – directed to Cornwall Council

18. Parishioner email – concerns regarding St. Marks Primary School.

2022/20/4.21 Finances: To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due. Agree end of year budget spend in preparation for AGAR statements.

2022/20/4.22 Planning:

Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:

P1 PA22/02569

Proposal: Proposed Kitchen and Dining room extension

Location: Land East Of Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS

P2 PA22/02570

Proposal: Proposed conversion and extension of barn to create a dwelling/holiday let

Location: Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS

P3 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

For information only:

Cornwall Council Decision Approved:

Applicant: Mr RB Savage
Location: Land East Of Rectory Farm Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall
Proposal: Proposed shepherds hut for holiday use

------ Sheridon Rosser

Clerk to the Parish Council

10th April 2022

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by

broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure

that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.



