May 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room

Annual and Monthly Meeting

Annual & Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 18th May 2022.

Morwenstow Parish Council

Agenda for the Annual Parish Council Meeting

You are invited to attend the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held on

Wednesday 18th May 2022 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

This will be followed by the Monthly Parish Council Meeting.


To note attendance.


To receive apologies for absence.


Election of Officers:

  • Chair

  • Vice - Chair


Election of Council Representatives: To ELECT representatives to the following
a) Cornwall Association of Local Councils (CALC)
b) Bude Area Community Network Panel


Election of Officers: To ELECT Members to the following roles:
a) Tree Warden
b) Public Right of Ways Co-ordinator
c) Playpark Equipment Supervisor
d) Playpark Supervisor
e) Transport
f) Hamlets Editor
g) Flag Master
h) Police Liaison Officer
i) Building Regulation Advisor

Morwenstow Parish Council

Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting

You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on

Wednesday 18th May 2022 at the Community Centre, following the Annual Parish Council Meeting.


To note attendance.


To receive apologies for absence.


To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 20th April 2022.


Matters arising from the minutes and updates, To note Morwenstow Football Clubs' successful grant award and to confirm that the solicitor is now moving on providing a lease.for information only.


Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.


Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.


Public Participation:

To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.


Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:

  1. Parish hedges – owner maintenance

  2. To note completed tree log

  3. i) To note completed playpark log; ii) DBS checks are complete; iii) Note findings of RoSPA report iiii) rotten fence posts require replacement

  4. Signage that has worn / damaged over time requiring replacement

  5. To review progress of LMP/SWCP risk assessments

  6. To update on toilets – (Duckpool)

  7. To receive a report from Cllr. Worden on the bus services for Morwenstow

  8. To discuss ideas for the CIL application fund if any & note new CIL report requirement for website.

  9. To discuss findings (if any) of noticeboard posts checks.


To discuss Jubilee Celebrations: a) progress with plans, b) Beacon lighting arrangements, c) Union flag, d) location details for oak trees for records, e) discuss possible attendance at the Platinum Jubilee Parade in Truro.


To receive a report on the Bude Community Network Highway Scheme meeting held on 25th April 2022.


Review of policies: To formally adopt the latest model standing orders from NALC as amended.


To review the Hamlets: Editorial role, costs and distribution.


To discuss request from Poundstock Parish Council re Child Poverty.



1. Jubilee related sales literature from various businesses

2. RoSPA – Report for the playing field

3. Zurich insurance renewal

4. CALC: a) NALC – make a change; Star council awards; online events notification & CEO Bulletin x 3

b) CALC – Smaller councils – date passed; Finance meeting inc slides; training schedule availability; Homes for Cornwall

5. Cornwall Council:

a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC

b) Homes for Cornwall – meeting 16th May 2022 at 12:45

c) Positive Planning

d) Forest for Cornwall

e) Town & Parish Council Newsletter

f) Climate emergency hearings - 21st June 2022

g) 2022 Grass Cutting & Verge Maintenance

6. Mark Owen – Tamara Project response

7. Rowen Mackenzie – The National Trust – Duckpool Toilets

8. Devon & Cornwall Police – Nick Jessop – Request to attend a meeting

9. Plantlife – No mow May

10. Defibrillator Training Session – Wednesday 25th May at Atlantic Horizons

11. South West Coast Path – May on the Coast

12. Jubilee Beacon Registration from Bruno Peek

13. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 3

14. Sub-National Transport Bodies Conference – 26th May 2022

15. Poundstock Parish Council – Request to add Child Poverty to the agenda

16. Cubert Parish Council – Failures at Cornwall Council

17. Work Place Pension enrolment renewal

18. Parishioner email – re Councillor vacancy

19. Parishioner email – withdrawal of application for Councillor vacancy

20. Parishioner email – re minutes and follow up for C.Cllr. Tilbey

21. Parishioner email – damage reported to playing field areas and broken sign, AED query.



a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due.

b) Agree and sign AGAR statement.

c) Review of Internal Audit – if available at this time.



Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:

P1 PA22/03314

Proposal: Full application for the construction of five detached dwellings

Location: Land North Of The Nook Morwenna Road Shop Morwenstow Cornwall

P2 PA22/01294

Proposal: Retrospective consent for construction of a decked area to the south and west of the restaurant to permit diners to eat outdoors. Construction of an 'Arts Hut' sited in the private garden to the south-east of the inn.

Location: Bush Inn Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SR

P3 PA22/04254

Proposal: Construction of agricultural building on agricultural land

Location: Land East of High Park Morwenstow Bude Cornwall

P4 PA22/02415

Proposal: Change of use of land and building from agriculture to agriculture, forestry and timber processing (including mobile sawmill) operation

Location: High Meadows Gooseham Bude Cornwall

P5 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

For information only:

Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn:


Garden office with overspill accommodation in close proximity to listed building.

The Old Malt House Road From Morwenna Road To Woodville Road Shop Morwenstow EX23 9SJ .


Proposed Kitchen and Dining room extension

Cornakey Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SS.


Review arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th May 2022 & meeting dates for 2022/23.


Co-option of new Councillor. 1 seat to be filled by co-option. Candidates are: Dr Susan Teare & Mrs Christine Myers.


Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 15th June 2022.

------ Sheridon Rosser

Clerk to the Parish Council

12th May 2022

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by

broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure

that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.





Additional Documents

Draft Minutes - 18th May 2022 - Annual Parish Council Meeting.docx