June 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room

Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting to take place at 7:30pm on Wednesday 15th June 2022.

Morwenstow Parish Council

Agenda for the Monthly Parish Council Meeting

You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on

Wednesday 15th June 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.


To note attendance.


To receive apologies for absence. Apologies received from Cllrs. Jones & Myers.


To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Annual & Monthly Parish Council meetings held on 18th May 2022.


Matters arising from the minutes and updates, all addressed in the items below.for information only.


Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.


Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.


Public Participation:

To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.


Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:

  1. Parish hedges – owner maintenance

  2. To note completed tree log

  3. To note completed playpark log + additional new checklist for Cllr. Payne

  4. Signage quotations received – locations and size/wording.

  5. To update on toilets – (Duckpool)

  6. To discuss ideas for waterproofing noticeboards, quotes obtained for boarding.

  7. To discuss Arbour for Crosstown.


Jubilee Celebrations: Review of events.


To receive a report on the Bude Area Community Network meeting held on 6th June 2022.


To discuss purchase of a replacement Union Flag and preservation of existing Union Flag.


Hamlets: Costs and distribution.


To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Information gathering: potential survey monkey options and working party.



1. Parishioner Email – re broken turbine/planning application

2. Lanteglos by Fowey Parish Council – joined forces request

3. Parishioner email – defibrillator requests x 4

4. CALC: Star Council Awards; Legal Update; Protect Duty Implications, Event Safety and Emergency Management - Thursday 23th June at 11.30am ONLINE;Levelling Up briefing meeting – Thursday 30th June 1-2pm ONLINE

5. NALC: Star council awards; events notification & CEO Bulletin x 2

6. Cornwall Council:

a) Committee Updates and Minutes – East Area sub committee, nothing relating to MPC

b) Bude Area Community Network Panel Chair nomination request/meeting agenda/previous meeting minutes

c) Meet the Leader – 22nd June at the Parkhouse Centre, Bude

d) E-bulk update (DBS)

e) Buildings at Risk – Summer update

f) Town and Parish Council Update

7. Grant application request from Morwenstow Church – to be considered in November.

8. Internal Auditor – audit report and forms

9. Cornwall Citizens Advice Bureau – Stats from Annual meeting

10. Julie Tucker – Hamlet re-quote

11. South West Coast Path – June on the Coast

12. Volunteer Cornwall Newsletter

13. Cornwall AONB Management Plan 2022-2027

14. Rural Services Network Bulletin x 3

15. Age Concern Bude – Help request via Parish Publications.



a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due.

b) Review of Internal Audit completed on 26th May 2022

c) Agree and sign AGAR statement.



Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:

P1 PA22/04819

Proposal: Proposed new build residential unit on site of existing outbuilding

Location: Chapel Barn Road From Rule Cross To Junction East Of Shop Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SQ

P2 PA22/05313

Proposal: Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include felling of various trees on the hedgerow next to the cemetery

Location: Morwenstow Methodist Church Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL

P3 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

For information only:

Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn:


Outline application for re-development of stable block, sand surfaced area and other land, for up to five dwellings with all matters reserved except access. Land South Of Chapel Park Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SQ


Erection of annexe ancillary to 3 Jaques Cottages. Land North Of 3 Jacques Cottages Morwenna Road Shop Morwenstow Cornwall EX23 9SW


Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 20th July 2022.

------ Sheridon Rosser

Clerk to the Parish Council

9th June 2022

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by

broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure

that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.



