September 2022
Wednesday, 19:30
Morwenstow Community Centre Committee Room

Extraordinary Meeting

Due to the sad passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II - our usual scheduled monthly meeting could not take place.

This meeting replaces the meeting from 21st September that could not be held.


Morwenstow Parish Council

Agenda for the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting

You are invited to attend the Monthly Parish Council Meeting; to be held on

Wednesday 28th September 2022 at the Community Centre at 7:30pm.


To note attendance.


To receive apologies for absence.


To approve the previously circulated minutes of the Monthly Parish Council meeting held on 20th July 2022 and the Planning Meeting held on 5th August 2022.


Queens Passing & Commemorative Events held in our Parish:


Matters arising from the minutes and updates – meeting with Oliver Jones from Highways is covered below. – for information only.


Disclosures: To receive declarations of interests from Members relating to items on the agenda in accordance with Morwenstow Parish Council's Code of Conduct.


Dispensations: To consider requests from Members for dispensations – must be received before hand.


Public Participation:

To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders.


To receive a report from our Cornwall Councillor: Shorne Tilbey.


Parish Maintenance and Matters for discussion:

  1. Parish hedges – Oliver Jones meeting update from Friday

  2. To note completed tree log

  3. To note completed playpark log

  4. To note completed overall grounds log

  5. To discuss quotes obtained for noticeboard repairs/improvements

  6. Parish Greens

  7. Look out point

  8. Jubilee Mugs –

  9. Tenders for precept setting –

    • LMP/SWCP

    • Toilets Duckpool & Community Centre

    • Aunt Amy's Garden

  1. Installation of the Arbour

  2. United Charities Representative.


Training available to Councillors:

  • Requests to be received and actioned.

  • Feedback from Cllr. Myers recent training sessions.


Hamlets: Update on the uptake of the paper version in the noticeboards – Cllr. Boundy.


To discuss CIL fund application prospects. Look at responses to online/paper survey.


*Referendum on the Mayor For Cornwall request

*Rural transport meeting in Holsworthy – Report from the meeting on Wed 27th July

*Senior Citizens Meal Support request

*Freeman of the Parish * Shared Prosperity Fund Opportunities * EV Charging opportunity

*AED Training Sessions * Cornwall Fire Control * Rural Service Network & Rural Service Bulletins

*CC - East Area Sub Committee/ Strategic Planning Committee/ Remittance for Precept/Ukrainian Sponsor Newsletter

*CALC, NALC & NACO – Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II protocol & training opportunities

*Sub-National rural mobility strategy

*Parishioner email re: planning

*Cornwall Zero – invitation to conference

*Cornwall AONB Trust *South West Coast Path

*Bude Area Community Network Panel – Sustainable Warmth information

*Cornwall Rural Housing Association – Housing opportunity in Shop.


Finances & Admin:

1. a) To confirm accounts spreadsheet with bank statements and agree payments due.

b) To confirm the budget spreadsheet is on track.

2. Laptop requirements:

a) Operating system upgrade requirements – support will end for current windows 8.1 in January 2023

b) Possible upgrade to Microsoft Office

c) Printing of documents

d) Office Computer

e) Possible purchase of latest edition Arnold Baker Local Council Administration. Currently using 8th Edition now on 13th

F) Option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements – Clerk recommendation to stay with current arrangement.



Applications received for consultation by members to agree a consultee response to be submitted to Cornwall Council:

P1 PA22/06609

Proposal: Replacement dwelling of existing mobile home with variation of condition 2 of decision PA20/03176 dated 20.08.2020

Location: The Lodge Woodlands Manor Farm Coombe Valley Bude Cornwall EX23 9HT

P2 PA22/07131

Proposal: Replacement of existing lean-to side room (currently a playroom) with new improved room with mono pitched roof (to serve as bedroom). Internal alterations, some window changes and the addition of a terrace to the West elevation.

Location: Sea View Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SU

P3 PA22/06725

Proposal: Agricultural Field Access.

Location: Greenacres Road From Jamess Cross To Junction North East Of Crosstown Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SP

P4: PA22/07130

Proposal: Proposed re-design of proposed dwelling (approved under PA16/07677)

Location: Land NW Of Lower Woodford Woodford Bude Cornwall EX23 9JB

P5 PA22/07189

Proposal: Proposed Re-Design of Proposed Dwelling (Approval Ref: PA16/07678)

Location: Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Morwenstow Bude Cornwall

P6 Any planning application received from Cornwall Council prior to the meeting.

For information only:

Cornwall Council Decision Approved/Withdrawn:

PA22/07850 Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for new tracks - West Youlstone Road From Crimp To County Boundary Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9PX - PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED

PA22/06717- Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA19/05328 and PA21/05495 dated 25/08/2021. - Westlands Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SG - APPROVED UNCONDITIONAL

PA22/05634-Proposed dwelling without compliance with Condition no. 2 of Decision Notice no. PA16/07678 dated 28/10/2016.- Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Bude Cornwall – WITHDRAWN

PA22/05630-'Proposed Dwelling' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA16/07677 dated 28/10/2016.- Land North West Of Lower Woodford Woodford Morwenstow Bude – WITHDRAWN

PA22/05313- Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include felling of various trees on the hedgerow next to the cemetery - Morwenstow Methodist Church Shop Morwenstow Bude Cornwall EX23 9SL - REFUSAL – ONE REASON

PA22/05285- Proposed slurry store Stursdon Farm Coombe Valley Bude Cornwall EX23 9HU - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

PA22/04864-Demolition of existing agricultural barn and two residential conversions, and for the erection of a detached dwelling and attached double garage. -Land West Of Killarney Farm Morwenstow Bude Cornwall - APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS.


Date of next monthly meeting – Wednesday 19th October 2022.

------ Jonathan Hobbs

Parish Council Chairman

22nd September 2022

This meeting has been advertised as a public meeting and as such could be filmed or recorded by

broadcasters, the media or members of the public. Please be aware that whilst every effort is taken to ensure

that members of the public are not filmed, we cannot guarantee this, especially if you are speaking or taking an active role.



